What You Need to Know Before Buying CBD Products Online

What You Need to Know Before Buying CBD Products Online

Buying CBD products online can be extremely convenient. Think about it — you can browse to your heart’s content without feeling pressure from a salesperson, especially if you’re new to CBD and want to learn more about it on your own. On the other hand, how do you know you’re making a wise purchase? Read on to find out how to shop for CBD online with confidence.

What quality-control protocol is there?

Since the FDA has not yet come to a consensus for federal guidelines regarding CBD — after all, it’s a massive undertaking — it’s instead up to smaller jurisdictions. How can you be sure that the products you’re buying are high-quality, according to an objective source? Many brands grow their hemp according to stringent guidelines and send it to third-party labs that test for potency and purity.

What does it take for a lab to be “third-party?”

A third-party, generally speaking, doesn’t have a vested interest or stake in the subject matter at hand. Third-party laboratories are not affiliated with their assigned CBD brand — or whatever it is they’re testing. Furthermore, they don’t reap any benefits from positive results and serve as an objective, scientifically motivated mediator.

What do labs test for?

If labs are testing for potency and purity, what does this actually mean? Labs analyze hemp similarly to how other agricultural products are evaluated. They are tested for solvents, heavy metals, pollutants, chemicals, pesticides — anything that would render the products unsafe for use. Many brands send each batch of hemp products through multiple rounds of testing at different stages in the production process.

What are some seals found on hemp products and what do they mean?

Some products include the Remedy Review Approved Seal or the U.S. Hemp Authority Seal. Remedy Review commissions third-party testing to ensure products are as high-quality and trustworthy as they claim. The U.S. Hemp Authority is an effort made of state and federal authorities, with the cooperation of hemp companies, all working together to set the bar for hemp purity, quality, and trustworthiness. In 2019, a variety of brands participated in The Clean Label Project™ in which Direct CBD Online’s brand Pachamama received a distinguished Clean Label Project Purity Award®.

What else should I look for in a CBD brand?

Some CBD brands have a reputation that precedes them. Some are small but growing businesses, others are larger, successful companies pivoting into the hemp arena. There are benefits to both, but you should familiarize yourself with brand specifications, shipping speeds, how they fulfill their orders, and more. That is, if you care about how quickly and reliably your purchases get to you!

Regardless of the product sold, there are a number of other factors to consider as a potential customer. Think about your values, motivations, and budget. Many CBD brands are:

Thanks to a recent article in Forbes, many brands are getting even more applause for being reputable and high-quality. Wondering where you can shop these brands? You’re in luck! Most of them are found right here on Direct CBD Online, including:

How do I learn more about a CBD brand?

To learn more about a CBD brand and why you should choose them over countless others, you can check out their website, social media, or do a quick search. Direct CBD Online also includes brand-specific information on the correlating page and product pages. You can also never go wrong with contacting the brand directly to ask for more information about their products and processes. Many are happy to oblige. After all, successful, well-intentioned companies create CBD to benefit customers first and foremost. If they deserve your business, their level of customer service should also prove worthy.

How do I know which products to choose?

Similarly to how you choose which CBD brands to purchase, consider some ideal qualities when it comes to specific products. Many CBD products are:

  • Certified organic
  • Gluten-free
  • Cruelty-free
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
  • Paraben and phthalate-free
  • Eco-friendly
  • Made with essential oils
  • Made with other ingredients that have natural medicinal properties

When it comes to product specs, such as those above, you may find it helpful to familiarize yourself with what products can address what concerns. For example, when CBD is combined with the following, different effects can occur:

  • Melatonin: Can promote more restful sleep
  • Menthol, camphor, or capsaicin: Can inhibit pain and produce a warm-to-cool sensation to address joint or muscle aches
  • Green tea: Provides natural energy
  • Echinacea: Boosts immunity
  • Turmeric: Compounds anti-inflammatory benefits both externally and internally
  • Beeswax: Is naturally antibacterial and helps skin retain moisture
  • Lavender: Soothes and calms

The above list is not exhaustive, but use it as a guide when you begin your shopping until you find what you like best. You can approach a CBD purchase the same way you would any other one. Shop around, scope out reviews, and do any necessary research to find out which products will best fit your needs.

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