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2 – AG
A derivative of arachidonic acid that occurs naturally in the brain (as well as some foods) and acts as a messenger molecule, playing roles in appetite, depression, memory, and fertility; one of the two known endocannabinoids.
Agricultural Hemp
Refers to varieties of the Cannabis Sativa L. plant that contains less than 0.3% THC in the dry weight material, and is grown for industrial purposes and legal for use in all 50 states and more than 40 countries.
A derivative of arachidonic acid that occurs naturally in the brain (as well as some foods) and acts as a messenger molecule, playing roles in appetite, depression, memory, and fertility; one of the two known endocannabinoids.
The proportion of a drug that reaches circulation in the body and has an active effect.
Cannabis is the generic term for products of the plant, Cannabis Sativa L.
Cannabis Sativa L.
A species of plant in the Cannabis genus; refers to both agricultural hemp and marijuana, which are both sub species however different plants entirely.
A chemical substance found in the cannabis plant; THC and CBD are the two most prevalent, but there are at least 113 known cannabinoids.
Short for cannabidiol; a phytocannabinoid found in the cannabis; does not result in euphoria and has shown to have benefits on human and animal health.
An extract obtained from the flowering portions of the hemp plant, then dissolved in another oil (coconut, sesame, etc.). It typically contains no THC and has no psychoactive properties.
Short for cannabidiolic-acid; an acidic cannabinoid, the naturally occurring raw form of CBD that is produced directly in the plant.
Short for cannabichromene; a phytocannabinoid found in cannabis that has little to no intoxicating effects.
Short for cannabigerol; known as the “parent cannabinoid” and is the chemical precursor to THC and CBD.
Short for cannabinol; a phytocannabinoid found in cannabis; it is produced when THC is metabolized and has little to no intoxicating effects.
Cannabinoid receptor found primarily in the central nervous system (nerves in the brain and spinal cord).
Cannabinoid receptor found primarily in the peripheral nervous system (nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord).
Refers to groups of green pigmented molecules found in plants and algae, that is important for plant photosynthesis.
CO2 Extraction
Method used to extract CBD concentrates; CO2 gas is pressurized into a a safe liquid and used to extract oils from plants with the advantage of no solvent residue.
Removing a carboxyl group from a chemical compound
Distilled Oil
this is the ultimate step in refining an oil, where excess plant material is distilled in a solvent-free process
Naturally occurring cannabinoids in the human body.
Endocannabinoid System
(ECS) Refers to endocannabinoids, the enzymes that regulate their production and degradation, and their receptors.
Enriched (CBD-rich)
Preparations from cannabis plants that are higher in CBD than plants bred historically for recreation.
Entourage Effect
Refers to the idea that biologically active compounds can have enhanced biological activity when administered in combination with otherwise inactive compounds as opposed to isolated active compounds administered alone.
Any hemp oil listed as “full-spectrum” means it contains, at maximum, 0.3% THC in addition to the CBD. Full-spectrum products take advantage of the entourage effect.
Fatty Acid
Long hydrocarbon chain, with a carboxyl group (COOH) at the end; important part of the fat-soluble components of living cells (lipids).
A cannabis plant bred to have very low THC content and is primarily cultivated for its fibers. Hemp products range from oils to clothing.
Hemp Oil/Hempseed Oil
An oil extracted from cannabis seeds by cold pressing. It contains only trace amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes, and is high in unsaturated fatty acids; used in paints and varnishes and in manufacturing soap and a wide variety of food products.
Hemptourage Effect
Refers to the “entourage effect” of compounds present in hemp-derived CBD oil to optimize health and wellness.
Self-regulating process of any system in the body; your body automatically finding balance.
A highly concentrated, purified form of a cannabinoid. CBD is one of the most common isolates you’ll find.
A dried mixture of cannabis leaves and flowers.
Does not have a detrimental effect on the mind, personality or behavior; does not get you “high.”
Plant-based cannabinoids found in species of cannabis.
Plant Sterol
Cholesterol-like compounds are naturally occurring in plants and support the reduction of LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol), without significantly affecting HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol).
Raw Oil
A whole-plant CO2 extraction from agricultural hemp; Cannabidiolic Acid, or CBD-A, comprises a significant proportion of the extracted cannabinoids in the raw oil.
A large and diverse class of strong-smelling organic compounds, produced by a variety of plants and insects.
Short for tetrahydrocannabinol; a phytocannabinoid found in cannabis shown to have some benefits on human and animal health, however, is responsible for intoxicating effects associated with marijuana use.
Vitamin E
Also known as alpha-tocopherol, a fat-soluble vitamin important for normal cell growth and function; found in vegetable oils, egg yolk, etc.
Whole Plant
Concept implying that products derived from the entire cannabis plant may be better than the individual cannabinoids isolated from it