CBD Drinks Near Me

CBD Drinks Near Me

CBD Drinks are a new way to enjoy the benefits of CBD in a refreshing beverage that is nothing like any other dietary supplement. But like with any other CBD product being informed before googling “CBD Drink near me” is key to making the best wellness decision!

Why CBD Drinks?

CBD Drinks are the best option for people who want to experience the benefits of CBD without having to take a boring dietary supplement or drink oil. Let’s admit it; tinctures are just not for everyone!

So why should you try CBD Drinks?

Ease of use and taste

CBD Beverages are incredibly easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you prefer taking your daily dose of CBD in the morning, at work, or at night, there is a drink for you! With iced teas, hot teas, seltzers, and some water-soluble CBD products are even formulated to dissolves in plain water and are meant to be flavorless.

Better absorption

When it comes to taking CBD and other supplements, there is an important notion of bioavailability.

Bioavailability is how effectively your body can absorb and process a substance. If a substance has low bioavailability, it means your body isn’t able to really use much of it.

The bioavailability of some CBD products can be quite low, specifically edibles. Think about it, your body must first digest the edible to get the CBD inside it. This is why other bodily processes, such as your metabolism, play a role in absorption rates. Furthermore, it has also been determined that the sublingual or oral delivery method of CBD helps you to feel effects the quickest. Taking CBD sublingually can already increase bioavailability by as much as 20%. Since your body is mostly water, water-soluble CBD and CBD beverages products work with your body, instead of against it.

What red flags to look for?

What quality-control protocol is there?

Since the FDA has not yet come to a consensus for federal guidelines regarding CBD — after all, it’s a massive undertaking — it’s instead up to smaller jurisdictions. How can you be sure that the products you’re buying are high-quality, according to an objective source? Many brands grow their hemp according to stringent guidelines and send it to third-party labs that test for potency and purity.

A third party, generally speaking, doesn’t have a vested interest or stake in the subject matter at hand. Third-party laboratories are not affiliated with their assigned CBD brand — or whatever it is they’re testing. Furthermore, they don’t reap any benefits from positive results and serve as objective, scientifically motivated mediators.
Many brands send each batch of hemp products through multiple rounds of testing at different stages in the production process.

What are some seals found on hemp products and what do they mean?

The U.S. Hemp Authority is an effort made of state and federal authorities, with the cooperation of hemp companies, all working together to set the bar for hemp purity, quality, and trustworthiness. What else should I look for in a CBD brand?
Some CBD brands have a reputation that precedes them. Some are small but growing businesses, others are larger, successful companies pivoting into the hemp arena. There are benefits to both, but you should familiarize yourself with brand specifications, shipping speeds, how they fulfill their orders, and more. That is if you care about how quickly and reliably your purchases get to you!
Regardless of the product sold, there are a number of other factors to consider as a potential customer. Think about your values, motivations, and budget. Many CBD brands are:

  • Family-owned
  • Women-owned
  • Veteran-owned
  • Eco-conscious

Where to buy CBD Drinks near me?

Gas station and Smoke Shop/ Dispensary

Depending on your local laws on hemp and cannabis, you may be able to get CBD products at your local smoke shop, dispensary, even some gas stations.
This is a great way to support your local community and get real-time help while you shop.

When shopping for CBD at a local store, make sure the shop is authorized to sell products by the brand. Unfortunately, while shopping in person, obtaining reliable COAs can be hard. But exclusively shopping at an authorized reseller guarantees that the product is authentic and reliable.

Keep in mind, the selection of beverages might be limited at a local store.


While shopping for CBD online, keep an eye out for signs that you are shopping on a reliable website and from reliable resellers and sellers. Furthermore, online COAs and brand references and certifications tend to be more accessible, and are great signs to make an informed decision.

Direct CBD Online has made it a commitment to provide only the highest-quality CBD and to personally vet all brands and products we offer. All products have their own COAs, and they buy directly from the brands to ensure authenticity and traceability. 

What product should I start with?

Here are a few products to start with if you would like to add CBD beverages to your routine:

Original Hemp Water Soluble CBD Tincture Oil

Original Hemp Water Soluble CBD Tincture Oil 1000mg

Water Soluble CBD lets you enjoy the ease of use of a CBD beverage without committing to one single flavor.

CBD Living Sparkling Water

CBD Living Sparkling Water - Sampler 4 Pack

Whatever style or flavor of water you prefer, CBD Living has a great collection that will become a household staple in a matter of days.

Reliva CBD Wellness Recovery Shot 50mg

Reliva CBD Wellness Recovery Shot 50mg (60ml bottle)

Some people don’t have time to sip on a drink for more than a few minutes! Shots are the perfect solution for busy people!

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