CBD Oil vs. CBD Vape Juice: What’s the Difference?

CBD Oil vs. CBD Vape Juice: What’s the Difference?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When CBD first came into the spotlight, taking an oral tincture was the most popular method of getting your supplement. Now, CBD users have a wide variety of choices. But with those choices come a lot of questions about how to use different CBD supplements properly. Some of the most common questions about using CBD properly involve vaping — a popular way to get your daily amount of CBD. What’s the best method? Is one better for your vape pen than the other? Can you take either one orally? When it comes to CBD oil vs. CBD vape juice, we have answers to all your questions!


Before we dive CBD oil vs. CBD vape juice, we’ll define these sometimes confusing terms.

CBD Tincture/CBD Oil

Tinctures and oils are designed to be used orally. They’re typically made by extracting CBD from the hemp plant using CO2 or alcohol extraction and diluted with a carrier oil like olive, hempseed, or coconut, which are easily absorbed and digested. Other ingredients can be added for flavor, too.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column]



CBD Vape Oil/CBD E-Liquid/CBD Vape Juice

Vape oils, e-liquids, and vape juice are designed for vape pens and e-cigarettes. A thinning agent is added to the CBD extract in order to help it flow through the vape pen and produce the vapor that you inhale.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column]



Can I vape a CBD tincture?

We don’t recommend vaping anything labeled CBD tincture or CBD oil. Due to the thickness of the oil, many things could go wrong — it can be harsh on your vape pen by clogging up the pen and dirtying your coil.

In addition, oils are too thick to produce a good vapor. You’ll end up burning your oil too quickly and inhaling a thick smoke instead of a smooth vape cloud.

Can I consume CBD vape juice?

None of the ingredients in a typical CBD vape juice are toxic — so technically, yes, you can ingest e-juice like a tincture. But just because you can doesn’t mean you should! Oils and tinctures are formulated especially for a pleasant taste and texture when you take them orally, so you’ll have a much more enjoyable experience.

CBD oil vs. CBD vape juice comes down to however you’d prefer to take your CBD — it’s always best to use products and supplements for their intended purpose. Make sure you double-check your products before purchasing and get the right CBD product for your needs!

Recap: CBD Oil vs. Vape Juice

Let’s cover the difference between CBD oil and vape juice with a few quick points:

  • CBD oils and tinctures have a different consistency than vape juice, as well as a few different ingredients.
  • Therefore, you should only vape items labeled as “vape juice.”
  • Vaping liquids — such as CBD oils — that are not labeled as vape juice may clog your device or damage it irreparably.
  • You should not ingest vape juice directly; though safe, it is not flavored or formulated to enjoy this way.
  • Both CBD oils and vape juice are as safe to use as the other when used correctly and bought from trusted retailers.


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