Should I Give My Pet CBD?

Should I Give My Pet CBD?

Anxiety, chronic pain, and other health concerns aren’t exclusive experiences to humans. In fact, your pets could be suffering from similar issues that impact their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Serious conditions that might otherwise require management through behavioral therapy or medication can sometimes be helped through alternative therapies, like CBD (cannabidiol). When it comes to your dog or cat’s wellness, it’s worth considering the question, “Should I give my pet CBD?”

What Can CBD Do for My Pet?

As an all-natural and accessible option for treating your pet, CBD may provide relief from common ailments, including:

  • Seizures
  • Nausea
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer symptoms
  • Phobias

Whether your cat or dog is affected by long-term sickness or prone to nerves during thunder storms, CBD can help to alleviate the effects, allowing them to enjoy much calmer, more comfortable days.

Is CBD Safe for Pets?

Dogs and cats are obviously biologically very different from people, so naturally, you’re bound to have some questions before deciding whether to begin giving them cannabidiol. Luckily, CBD is generally considered to be a safe substance for your pets (though this applies mainly to canines and felines and is not recommended for other animals) to ingest, with very little chance of negative reaction.

Essentially, CBD reacts with your pet’s system in much the same way as it would your own. Once it’s metabolized, it attaches to specific receptors throughout your pet’s brain and body that affect pain, mood, appetite, and memory. And unlike THC, which is also derived from the same plant, CBD does not cause a “high” sensation that could further disorient or upset your dog or cat.

Should I Give My Pet CBD?

That choice, of course, is up to you. Before deciding, it would be wise to discuss your options with a veterinarian, who will be able to provide advice on possible reactions, serving size, and responsibly incorporating CBD alongside any medications or supplements your pet may need. If your pet is suffering from any of the conditions listed above, it’s worth considering how alternative therapies, like CBD, can benefit their quality of life.

You’ll find a wide selection of CBD pet treats, including oils, balms, chews, and capsules available through our site. The pet-safe, high quality CBD products we stock can be easily introduced into your dog or cat’s daily routine.

Shop our online store for more CBD oil products, for both you and your favorite four-legged friend. We offer a range of choices so that you can find the best ways to incorporate CBD into your lives!

Help your pets feel their best. Ease your pets' anxiety, aches and pains, arthritis, and more with CBD. Shop CBD for Pets.

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