The 9 Best Sleep CBD Products This Sleep Month

Did you know that March is National Sleep Month? While some people are lucky enough to celebrate sleep every night, some are missing out on the essential requirement of their body — quality sleep. 

This month is all about sleep awareness and how it plays a major role in healing our bodies. An average adult needs more than 7 hours of sleep every night, but not everyone is able to get it. 

So, if you are struggling with having 7+ hours of undisturbed sleep due to stress or insomnia, CBD might help you. 

To celebrate National sleep month and help people get better sleep, we have compiled a list of the ten best CBD products in this blog. Not only that, but we have also included a brief guide for your ease. So, let’s get started!

Does CBD Really Help You Sleep? 

Most CBD products claim to help you relax your mind and body so you can sleep better at night. But can CBD really help you get better sleep?

According to a 2020 study, our endocannabinoid system plays an important role in our sleep. For example, when cannabinoids react with our endocannabinoid receptors, they may help regulate our sleep cycle. 

A significant portion of the population suffers from sleep deprivation because of external and internal reasons. Since CBD is now federally legal, 42% of the CBD users consume the compound for treating insomnia. 

Legal CBD only has 0.3% of THC, which is not sufficient to get you high, but enough to make you feel sleepy

You can take CBD in various forms depending on your preference and requirements. With the correct dosage of CBD according to your body, you might be able to get better sleep at night and improve the overall quality of your life. 

Want to hear an even more interesting part? Your skin health can also improve when you sleep better!

9 Best CBD Products to Get Better Sleep 

CBD products come in all shapes and sizes. They can be great for inducing sleep and relaxing your body after a long tiring day at work.

Here are the 10 best CBD products you can use to get better sleep every night: 

1. CUE Sleep 20mg CBD Shot with Melatonin – Chamomile Honey

Having trouble sleeping at night can ruin the overall quality of your life. If you want to experience a peaceful sleep whenever your want, then CUE Sleep 20mg CBD Shot with Melatonin is what you need to try. 

CUE sleep 20 mg CBD shot melatonin chamomile honey - Direct CBD Online

This delicious Chamomile Honey shot contains 20 mg CBD and is infused with 4 mg melatonin to help you sleep. Melatonin is a natural hormone found in our body responsible for making you fall asleep. 

It contains broad-spectrum CBD, which means this product does not contain any THC. 

So, you can take this product 30 to 40 minutes before going to sleep. The chamomile tea in this shot can help improve the quality of your sleep naturally by relaxing your nerves. 

It also has honey extract and lemon extract to give your taste buds a strong and pleasing flavor.

The CUE Sleep Shot is specially designed for a restful sleep at night for beginners and experienced CBD users. For a quick CBD fix, this shot can be trusted to get better sleep anytime, anywhere.

2. cbdMD CBD PM Oil Tincture Drops – Mint

Consuming a few drops of CBD oil tinctures may help relax your mind and body within 15 minutes. 

So, if you’re looking for a quality CBD oil tincture to get better sleep, try cbdMD CBD PM Oil Tincture Drops. These drops have a refreshing mint flavor that can revive your whole body after a tiring day. 


This 30 ml bottle contains 500 mg CBD that can be a potential cure for sleepless nights. 

With the easy-to-use dropper, take a few drops sublingually 15 to 20 minutes before going to bed. Not only that, but this oil is also infused with melatonin that can induce sleep in your body naturally. 

Moreover, it also contains valerian root and cascade hops that help your muscles and veins loosen after an exhausting day. 

All the ingredients in this tincture are non-GMO and gluten-free to keep the users’ health in optimal condition.  

Unlike other over-the-counter sleep medicines, this CBD PM oil tincture has no potential side effects. Instead, it will help relieve pain, alleviate stress, and make you sleep undisturbed throughout the night. 

3. Fleur Marché CBD Transdermal Patch – Sleep Plz

If consuming CBD orally is not your thing, you need to try out the Fleur Marché CBD Transdermal Patch – Sleep Plz. It is a topical CBD product that delivers long-lasting results. 

Fleur Marché cbd transdermal patch sleep plz 20 mg - Direct CBD Online

Just put the patch on your arm for a relaxing sleep at night. 

One patch contains 20 mg of hemp extract and lasts for 12 hours straight. It is infused with melatonin to naturally regulate your sleep cycle. 

The good thing is that this patch has no potential side effects and can be used daily for undisturbed sleep. 

It is USDA-certified and contains locally grown hemp extracts. All you have to do is peel the patch off the packet and ally it to the most veiny part on your arm. Within minutes, the CBD and melatonin will diffuse into your body faster and more effectively. 

This patch is so lightweight that you won’t feel you have something on. It is also ideal for people who have trouble falling asleep during flights due to increased anxiety. 

With this transdermal patch, you can sleep longer, better, and healthier throughout the night. 

4. CBDistillery CBD Nighttime Gummies – Mixed Berry

Chewing on flavored CBD gummies is the easiest and most delicious way to consume CBD orally. 

The fruity flavors of these gummies mask the earthy flavor of hemp and make them ideal for beginners. The CBDistillery CBD Nighttime Gummies in Mix Berry flavor will give you the right CBD dose while satisfying your sweet tooth. 

CBDistillery cbd nighttime gummies 30 mg mixed berry - Direct CBD Online

The container comes with 30 CBD gummies with 30 mg CBD. 

It is also infused with 1.5 mg melatonin to help you sleep peacefully at night. Such a small amount of melatonin is not harmful for human consumption and has no side effects. 

Additionally, the gummies are sweetened using organic glucose syrup and organic cane sugar. It also features a mixed berry flavor backed by other supporting flavors like apple, carrot, and pumpkin. 

Just pop one CBD gummy in your mouth 30 minutes before going to bed without worrying about measuring the dosage. Luckily, it comes with broad-spectrum CBD meaning it is free from THC. 

With these CBD gummies, you can enjoy all the benefits of CBD without getting high!

5. HOLISTIK Wellness Sleep Stik

A nice and soothing drink at night can improve your sleep experience. With the HOLISTIK Wellness Sleep Stik, you can make your drink even healthier. 

HOLISTIK wellness sleep stik chamomile 10 mg - Direct CBD Online

Believe us, no other way could be simpler and easier than this to add CBD to your everyday life.

This stick also contains Chamomile and Melatonin to calm your mind and induce better sleep.

Chamomile is also an anti-inflammatory remedy that will help soothe any inflammation in your body, putting you in a state of relaxation. 

This sleep stick features water-soluble CBD, so you can mix it with your tea, juice, water, or even shakes. It has a precalculated 10 mg dose of CBD, which can be enough to make you sleep without any potential side effects. 

Water-soluble CBD is great for people who do not want to experience any CBD buildup in their tissues. That’s because it leaves no residue in your body and flushes out of your body easily. 

Remember that it takes 15 to 30 minutes for the CBD to start working in your body, so make sure you take it long before hitting the bed. 

6. Grön CBD Snooze Adaptogenic Dark Chocolate

Does getting rid of your sleeping problems just by eating chocolate sound too good to be true? Well this Grön CBD Snooze Adaptogenic Dark Chocolate can make this dream come true. Quite literally! 


It is a bar of high-quality dark chocolate infused with adaptogens to help relax your mind and body. Plus, this low-sugar chocolate contains no THC, so you won’t get high. 

It features 45mg CBD and 10mg CBN that provides countless potential health and sleep benefits. 

The hemp used in this chocolate is organically grown in Oregon in Fair Trade certified farms.

With this chocolate, you get high-quality sleep-inducing ingredients with a burst of sweet, chocolaty flavor. However, this chocolate contains traces of milk. 

So, if you are lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies, then this chocolate might not be the best option for you. 

Other than that, you can count on the Grön dark chocolate to satisfy your sweet tooth and help you drift off to sleep. You can also keep this chocolate in your bag to get better sleep while traveling. 

7. Lazarus Naturals Relaxation CBD Capsules

Capsules are also one of the most common ways to consume CBD. These Lazarus Naturals Relaxation CBD Capsules give you an accurate dose of CBD each day. They are flavorless and easy to consume every night. 

Lazarus Naturals relaxation cbd capsules 25 mg - Direct CBD Online

Each capsule contains 25 mg to help you relax your body and enjoy a peaceful sleep. 

Moreover, it is also infused with other relaxing ingredients like chamomile and ashwagandha. They are also known as power foods that not only help you sleep but also promote better health. 

This CBD and superfood blend is encapsulated in a vegan shell that dissolves easily in your stomach. So, take these capsules one or two hours before going to bed for the best results. 

The best part about these capsules is that they are gluten-free and contain artificial flavors, dyes, and sweeteners. 

They also contain coconut oil to promote general gut health and reduce bowel inflammation.

You can easily take two capsules per day to regulate your sleep cycle. However, if you have been advised against eating grapefruit, then you might need to consult with your doctor before consuming these capsules. 

8. Kush Queen Sleep CBD Bath Bomb

There is nothing more relaxing than taking a hot bath before bed. To improve this experience, you can use the Kush Queen Sleep CBD Bath Bomb

Kush Queen sleep cbd bath bomb 25 mg - Direct CBD Online

The Citrus Reticulata and Origanum Majorana combine with Lavender essential oils to diffuse the most beautiful scent in your bath area. 

It contains high-quality, lab-tested C02 Cannabis oil and CBD isolate to alleviate pain and relax your body. With the help of this bath bomb, you will be able to take care of your skin and soothe any pain and discomfort in your body. 

This bath bomb features natural ingredients that improve blood circulation and soothe your muscle tissues. 

What’s more, the Kush Queen bath bombs are free from any preservatives, artificial dyes, and irritating chemicals. 

They use premium quality food color to make sure your body doesn’t get stained by using their bath bombs. 

Not only that, but It also contains extra virgin olive oil to give to silky soft, and smooth skin. Just pop it into your bathtub and enjoy a relaxing bath 30 minutes before going to bed for a peaceful sleep all night. 

9. Blue Moon Hemp CBD Gummies with Melatonin

People dealing with insomnia know how hard it can be to fall asleep without a sleeping aid. Unfortunately, those sleeping aids come with a myriad of side effects. 

But with the Blue Moon Hemp CBD Gummies with Melatonin, you might find falling asleep easier than ever. The blue raspberry and passion fruit-flavor of these gummies are a treat to have at night. 

Blue Moon Hemp cbd gummies melatonin 150 mg blue raspberry and passion fruit - Direct CBD Online

People who don’t find the flavor of hemp bearable can easily consume these delicious, chewy gummies. 

They come in a pack of four, continuing 15 mg CBD per gummy. Plus, they also come in a packet of eight to last you a long time. 

You can consume one or two gummies each night, depending on your body’s requirements.

Remember to have them 40 to 45 minutes before going to bed for the maximum benefit. These gummies also contain melatonin, which is a natural hormone to get better sleep. 

If you’re looking to regulate your sleep cycle without relying on heavy medication, Blue Moon Hemp CBD gummies are the way to go.

Ways to Use CBD to Get Better Sleep 

CBD products come in many different types to serve different people and their requirements.

Some products kick in quickly, while some may take time. The best products for sleep are the ones that gradually help you sleep. 

However, if you want to doze off within a few minutes, products with a quick onset time can be ideal for you. 

Quick Onset Time 

Vapes and oil tinctures have the quickest onset time. They start working within 15 minutes in your body. These types of products are either inhaled in or taken sublingually. 

Slow Onset Time 

Other edibles like CBD gummies, capsules, and softgels have a slower onset time. They take around 30, 60, or even 90 minutes to kick in. These products are ideal for beginners. 

Types of CBD 

The effects of CBD in your body also depend on the type of CBD you are consuming. 

  • Full spectrum CBD gives you all the benefits of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and THC, which can get you high. 
  • Broad spectrum CBD gives you the benefits of full-spectrum CBD without getting high since it has no THC.
  • CBD isolate will only give you the benefits of CBD alone and is mostly preferred by beginners. 


Many people use CBD to relax their minds and improve their sleep quality. 

If you also want to include CBD in your life, this is the best month to get started. With the help of these high-quality CBD products, you can get better sleep at night. 

From oils, gummies, and capsules to patches and topicals, we have shared a diverse list of products to choose from. You will see the positive effects in your lifestyle once you start prioritizing your sleep. 

Make sure to choose the product type and CBD dosage for your body and enjoy a blissful sleep each night.

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