
Does CBD Make You Sleepy?

Does CBD Make You Sleepy?

It’s no secret that CBD can help you get a better sleep schedule. But does that mean that you will feel sleepy if you take CBD during the day? In short: No....

Does CBD Make You Sleepy?

It’s no secret that CBD can help you get a better sleep schedule. But does that mean that you will feel sleepy if you take CBD during the day? In short: No....

Is CBD Addictive? True or False

Is CBD Addictive? True or False

Cannabis use has been known to lead to dependency. While it’s not exactly addiction, the most severe cases can lead to it. Because of its close relationship with cannabis, people...

Is CBD Addictive? True or False

Cannabis use has been known to lead to dependency. While it’s not exactly addiction, the most severe cases can lead to it. Because of its close relationship with cannabis, people...

March 2021 Quick Hits

March 2021 Quick Hits

March is almost over (what?). It has been a busy one for the Hemp and Marijuana industry! At Direct CBD Online, keeping up with the evolution of the industry is important...

March 2021 Quick Hits

March is almost over (what?). It has been a busy one for the Hemp and Marijuana industry! At Direct CBD Online, keeping up with the evolution of the industry is important...

April 2021 Quick Hits

April 2021 Quick Hits

Did this last month feel like an eternity to you, too? With increased eligibility for Covid-19 vaccines starting April 19th and 20% of the population fully vaccinated, we can almost...

April 2021 Quick Hits

Did this last month feel like an eternity to you, too? With increased eligibility for Covid-19 vaccines starting April 19th and 20% of the population fully vaccinated, we can almost...

CBG Effects: What You Should Know

CBG Effects: What You Should Know

CBD has been around for long enough that other cannabinoids are starting to step into the spotlight, too. In fact, Cannabigerol is one of the industry’s new favorites. CBG effects have yet...

CBG Effects: What You Should Know

CBD has been around for long enough that other cannabinoids are starting to step into the spotlight, too. In fact, Cannabigerol is one of the industry’s new favorites. CBG effects have yet...

May 2021 Quick Hits

May 2021 Quick Hits

We made it through another month! As of May 15, 36.7 percent of the country’s population was vaccinated. And with COVID regulations loosening around the country, we are getting closer...

May 2021 Quick Hits

We made it through another month! As of May 15, 36.7 percent of the country’s population was vaccinated. And with COVID regulations loosening around the country, we are getting closer...